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WATWING looks to make new 'memories' as they graduate with latest EP 'uNi'

WATWING looks to make new 'memories' as they graduate with latest EP 'uNi'

ONE OR EIGHT brings 'DSTM' to life at Singapore's Sensoryscape — watch

ONE OR EIGHT brings 'DSTM' to life at Singapore's Sensoryscape — watch

Rising star Rock Opong unveils emotion-filled debut ‘Marahuyo’ — watch

Rising star Rock Opong unveils emotion-filled debut ‘Marahuyo’ — watch

Renowned jazz drummer Yussef Dayes comes to Singapore this June

Renowned jazz drummer Yussef Dayes comes to Singapore this June

Keina Suda captivates with emotionally charged track 'ミラージュmirage' — listen

Keina Suda captivates with emotionally charged track 'ミラージュmirage' — listen

Indonesian band Firstrate crafts a narrative of finding hope amid uncertainty on 'Last Throw' — listen

Indonesian band Firstrate crafts a narrative of finding hope amid uncertainty on 'Last Throw' — listen

Travis Scott brings the chaos with 'Circus Maximus Tour 25' to India, South Korea, China & Japan

Travis Scott brings the chaos with 'Circus Maximus Tour 25' to India, South Korea, China & Japan

WEST. present a symphony of slapstick on their 24th single 'WEST SIDE SOUL!' — watch

WEST. present a symphony of slapstick on their 24th single 'WEST SIDE SOUL!' — watch

Mayday Parade brings 'Three Cheers for 20 Years' tour to Singapore & Manila this September

Mayday Parade brings 'Three Cheers for 20 Years' tour to Singapore & Manila this September

KiiiKiii sparkle on debut EP 'UNCUT GEM' & music video for 'BTG'

KiiiKiii sparkle on debut EP 'UNCUT GEM' & music video for 'BTG'

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