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Receiptify turns your top tracks on Spotify into shopping receipts

Receiptify turns your top tracks on Spotify into shopping receipts

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First we saw album tracklists being made into receipts. Now, you can do the same with your favourite tracks, too. 

On Sunday (20/9), Michelle Liu, also known as Twitter user fuIlcontrol, shared her creation after a spark of inspiration by Melody You’s album receipts

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While everyone is eagerly waiting for 2020’s Spotify wrapped, this gives a sneak peek of what your streaming data might suggest before the end of the year.  

With a plugin that connects to your Spotify account, you can have your top songs from the last month, last six months, or all time aesthetically generated into a shopping receipt.

It also reveals the total duration of all ten tracks as the “amount” of the bill. 

Since yesterday, Receiptify quickly gained the favour of the Internet, amassing more than 25K retweets in a single day. As such, Liu will be investing in the paid version of Heroku to better run Receiptify for the traffic it has been getting. 

Try Receiptify here

Watch the video for a walk-through of how Receiptify works: