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Filipina singer-songwriter Reese Lansangan's 'A Song About Space' is the soundtrack to NASA's new campaign #LaunchAmerica

Filipina singer-songwriter Reese Lansangan's 'A Song About Space' is the soundtrack to NASA's new campaign #LaunchAmerica

Estimated: 2 mins  reading

Reese Lansangan's star has caught the attention of NASA.

The American space program tapped the 'An Opportunity To Go To The Moon' singer-songwriter to share 'A Song about Space' off her debut record Arigato, Internet! for their #LaunchAmerica campaign that "introduces a new era of spaceflight that returns the ability to launch astronauts to the United States." 

The new campaign is in support of NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Dough Hurley as they hop on SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft, which lifts off on 27th May (Wednesday) in Florida. 

NASA is actively seeking out fans of outer space who are building homemade rockets, taking selfies in space suits, writing odes to the stars, and whatever creative things you can come up with as they count down to #LaunchAmerica. Share your photos and videos on social media and add the hashtag #LaunchAmerica for a chance to be featured.



⁣My face got a one-second feature on @NASA’s official Youtube channel, no big deal 🤷🏻‍♀️🌜☄️🚀🛰...????⠀ ⠀ One day over lunch, I got a DM from NASA (yep, the one with 57M followers...) and I almost choked on my water. NASA sliding into my DMs, now there’s something I never thought I’d see! They said they loved my super old and embarrassing “A Song About Space” video from my channel and asked if they could possibly use it for a promo vid. Nothing was set in stone so after I got over the immediate shock of the NASA DM, I just silently hoped for the best. Then I got an email back with the video link, and in my pride I took all the screencaps! I always get teased for that old Space video of mine because 1) I still had braces & 2) I lisped (lithped) - but each time I thought about taking it down, I couldn’t bring myself to. I figured it’s part of my history & it’s fun to make fun of yourself every now and then! Little did I know, it would be the video that NASA would notice and end up watching... it just blows my mind!⠀🤯🤯🤯 ⠀ I guess there’s a lesson in there somewhere - to honor yourself always - your lovable, bewildering, sometimes even embarrassing self! So from the bottom of NENE REESE’s heart - a sincere thank you to the universe for this tiny, tiny victory. (ALSO 🔗 click link in bio to watch a redheaded Reese lisping in song) . . 📷 @marecollantes

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Watch Reese Lansangan give a detailed overview of 'A Song About Space' below.