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Fangirling can wait: K-stans take to Twitter to spread awareness for the Black Lives Matter movement

Fangirling can wait: K-stans take to Twitter to spread awareness for the Black Lives Matter movement

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Twitter users can say for sure that the fan bases of K-pop idols are possibly the key to world domination. Also known as K-stans, they are known for their aggressive tweeting behavior and their ability to turn a hashtag into a worldwide trend in the blink of an eye.

Instead of trending hashtags in celebration of their idols' music chart wins, the Twitter community is seeing an entirely different side of K-stans, as they channel their strength in numbers to support #BlackLivesMatter. The resurgence of the hashtag on Twitter was sparked by the death of George Floyd.

BTS fanclub OneInAnArmy demonstrated their collective prowess by raising over $1 million within 24 hours, to match the amount donated by BTS and Big Hit Entertainment in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. An part of the Match a Million campaign, they are currently striving to hit a $2 million donation target.

While the likes of BLACKPINK, NCT127, and Stray Kids are slated to make their comebacks in June, their fans have decided to postpone all celebrations this month to express their sensitivity and solidarity towards the situation surrounding Floyd's death.

BTS ARMY and other fanbases have also called off their monthly 'Selca Day', in which fans post a similar-looking selfie of themselves alongside a selfie of their idol.

It was also reported that K-stans crashed the Dallas Police Department's iWatch Dallas application with the massive numbers of fancams videos they uploaded onto the platform. The uproar was in response to iWatch Dallas being intrusive in the collection of personal data.

K-stans also took the chance to bombard #WhiteLivesMatter on Twitter with fancams and photos of their idols in a bid to call out racist Twitter users.

Aside from K-stans, K-pop idols have also voiced out regarding the movement, with Jay Park donating $10,000 to the Black Lives Matter Network and MOMOLAND's members sharing the hashtags on their personal accounts. Amber Liu had also postponed her livestream on Twitch last Tuesday in support of Blackout Tuesday, despite her latest single being released a week ago.

Cover image credit: BTS Official Facebook Page