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"I thought that we would make a great team." Day6's Jae on 'It just is' his new collaboration with Seori – listen

"I thought that we would make a great team." Day6's Jae on 'It just is' his new collaboration with Seori – listen

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Fresh off his birthday celebrations with FROM FRIENDS (on Twitter), DAY6's Jae announced new music with emerging South Korean R&B singer, Seori.

Their first collaboration, 'It just is' (which also features keshi on guitar), has been released today (23/9).

Previously in a video teaser for the new track, Jae shared how he found Seori's music on YouTube. "I usually skip songs because I have a particular taste in music. But I didn't skip a song on this album," Jae said referring to Seori's ?depacse how.

For Seori, having Jae contact her first was already a feat on its own. "For me, "Let's work on a song together" in itself is very exciting and happy and it's Jae who contacting me first saying, "Let's write together".

Seori on breaking into South Korea's music scene and debut EP ?depacse ohw

"I thought that we would make a great team," Jae added.

Jae has been sharing his solo music under his monicker eaJ, while Seori recently released Seori Station, an online concert for her fans.

Check out what fans have to say about the collaboration: 

Check out their newest video for the song here, with a snippet of Jae and Seori breaking down the creation of the track: